Up Your Festive.

Girls are suckers for themes (I happen to know this for a fact...), and today's about the perfect day to whip out the green gag gifts collecting dust in, on and around your boudoir. The family of leprechauns that live next to me have already decorated their entire house in vine, and I'm pretty sure I spotted an oversized gauntlet of super shiny coins on their front lawn.

Me? Well, I chucked my green boa and hair extensions last week after a thrilling dayventure in Hoboken, but I still have the sunglasses, shamrock earrings and neon green wear to show for it. Whether you're drinking green beer tonight (and today), indulging in corned beef hash or kissing your boyfriend (cause he's Iriiiiiiiiiiiish), have a lucky, lucky day!

And if you're a Disney Channel freak like me, look out for Luck of the Irish tonight. Remember that one?


Thanks for reading! xx