Harajuku Beauty.

Final destination: Japan, please.

I've seen London and I've seen Paris, and quite frankly, neither city did it for me. The London rain had my family and I curled up indoors five of seven days, and the few French people I encountered were just downright rude. Japan, however, looks like it could possibly be the Disneyland of Adults, or at least, my own personal Disneyland. I have a mild infatuation with the cheery and beautiful Harajuku Dolls. For those of you who don't know much about Japanese pop culture, Harajuku girls are the celebrity Barbie Dolls of Japan: Gorgeous, doe-eyed, fashion-forward and petite, their clothes would barely squeeze around the average American girl's thumbs (even the thinnest American girls would have quite the time finding something to fit them).

While Japanese fashion isn't for everyone (Think Paris and Milan -- we don't all dream of looking like miniature costumed Beauty Queens on the reg), they certainly boast the most unique fashions, at least, in my opinion. Always bright, always candy-colored and always eccentric, I can't get enough of the dress. While my Hello Kitty accessories and I won't be booking any trip across the world anytime soon, there are plenty of little Japanese(-inspired) gems right under our very American noses to enjoy.

{ Yup, this is totally Hello Kitty shaped sushi }

Also Pictured: Pocky (Dessert breadsticks typically dipped in 
chocolate and strawberry mousses; found at many local super grocery stores) 
and Gwen Stefani's line of Harajuku Lovers Perfume (can be purchased at Sephora)


Thanks for reading! xx