the Weigh-In with Dan.

(want to guest post, too?! sure you do! click to send your ideas, don't be shy!)

 Resident Afternoon Frosting Hottie Dan puts it all in perspective, and weighs in on just a few things you may want to keep in mind regarding your eating habits and exercise regimen, girls!

Hate eating fit? If you have a hard time keeping on track with your vegetables, portions and caloric intake, or you're just one to indulge on occasion, there are a few ways to do it without spending extra time on the treadmill. One very simple way is to take the stairs as opposed to the usual convenient elevator. Did you know? A 160-lb person will burn roughly 8 calories walking up one flight of stairs. If you have the option,  exercise it. Walking up and down the stairs several times a day can result in some serious and easy calories for the "calorie bank" to use (or eat!) later.

Let's just say. . . 
you walk up 2 floors, 3 times a day, 5 times a week (instead of taking the elevator with your coworkers). You're looking at an extra 240 calories to enjoy come Friday. What is 240 calories, though? In this day and age with all of our deep-frieds and chocolate-covereds, it may not seem worth it. 

But maybe this hits home a bit:
A Starbucks Grande Caramel Macchiato has exactly 240 calories, as do most chocolate candy bars, one serving of Dairy Queen ice cream cake, or a half cup of Ben & Jerry's Vanilla ice cream.

You can get the same fix by blending eight ounces of milk with a banana. Okay, maybe not as exciting without the sweet, big-name label that B&J's and DQ boasts, but you'll be looking at a fulfilling 345 calorie mealkshake that you can feel a lot less guilty about having. Bon Appetit!

{Wait, can we just talk about how cute Dan is? Watch out for more of him soon on health & fitness, and everything guy perspective}


  1. HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

  2. <3 when is the next post coming?

  3. omg he is soooo cute i wanna read more! his writing kind of sounds like yours though... did u write it for him? either way, i don't mind reading if his picture is attached :-*

  4. Yes Dan is a HOTTIE! We went to college together and he's super nice, and will write more if you ladies like. I'm taking that a yes? ;)


Thanks for reading! xx