GLEE is better than your favorite show.

When it comes to Glee, I've become one serious Belieber in the talent of the cast, and the dynamics of the show. True, Glee is no mastermind, if you're comparing it to other television comedies like 30 Rock and Modern Family and the like (although the writers have beyond proven they can whip up a mean but chuckle-worthy jab for one Sue Sylvester), but if you're concentrating on the teeny-bopper stories that Glee produces, then you're missing entirely the whole point of the show.

The actual cast is made up of a bunch of no-names with vocal talents that I'd argue surpass those of an even pre-autotuned Christina Aguilera and Jessica Simpson, and the cool thing is that several of these people play stereotypes that your average fifteen year-old would socially look to avoid. Mercedes is an actual overweight black teen in a predominately white high school. Kurt demonstrates his courage every Tuesday as the only outwardly gay at McKinley High. Quinn walked us through her awkward teen pregnancy, and despite Artie's physical handicap, he's an equal friend (and boyfriend) to the popular kids. Each episode, the entire Glee Club fights for equality amongst their "cooler" peers. Laugh all you want at the chalky dialogue and cheesy love triangles, but Glee is teaching its young viewers (and reinforcing in its older ones) the value of equality and the importance of love, respect and talent.

I'm so over defending my love for the show (and its blatantly obvious easy-on-the-eyes cast), because in terms of the kinds of television programs that have gone into production lately, Glee is far and beyond the most influential. And if you disagree, well, then you just deserve an extra large cherry slushy to the face.

And for my fellow Gleeks' viewing pleasure?


  1. I am not a GLEE fan. But not for any of the reasons why you are. I completely agree with you! Those kids are talented and the characters are spot on to awkward high schoolers, I just find it annoying to watch the same thing over, accompanied by Broadway-esque music. I gave it a shot but can't watch it every week. Maybe once every few months, and it depends on who the artist they are covering is, but not for me.

    But I'd never argue that they aren't a super talented group of kids.

  2. Ah, the songs they cover are a compilation of literally, everything, from every genre to every type of song. I believe that's the best part of the entire show... the fact that people of all ages can sit down together and watch the show, because there's a little something for everyone. But of course, to each his own. Also, CUTE blog! Xo.

  3. Oh I totally understand that they COVER everything (all genres and songs) ... but the WAY they cover it comes off too showtuney for my taste. I meant that I tune in if I'm really into music they are covering but watching every week drains me!


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