Not Your Normal Relationship.

My family never reads my blog, so I suppose it would be funny to share that while smoking hookah in my bedroom the other night, my parents thought they smelled something burning. My dad discovered that it must have been a light that blew, and my brother and I spent the rest of the night curled up in hysterics on my floor laughing at the ignorance of Mom and Dad, or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb (respectively). I, for sure, thought my late-night habit was going to be exposed. My brother's acting chops proved useful while he had to sit through the grueling questioning process: "Don't you smell that near my office? How about over here?" That little nugget kept a straight face the entire time.

I love having my brother home during his college winter break. The older he gets, the more we seem to have in common: And let me tell you, this brother-sister dynamic is not your normal relationship. While it used to be a struggle for him to share a fork or straw if one of us wanted to try the other's BLT macaroni salad (Sandwedge--yum) or strawberry daiquiri, he now will delve into my dish without a second thought. Some sisters would be annoyed, but his doing so is a sign of growth. There was once a time where he wouldn't touch my bed. "That's weird," he'd say. Now, that little terd is comfortable enough hopping under my covers when I leave my room only to pop up and scare the shit out of me when I come back (true story). Again, I see that as a sign of growth. And, even though it's still a struggle getting him to divulge every single detail about the girls at school ("Julie, I'm not telling you that), he definitely has stories to share. What? I'm a pain-in-the-ass sister.

My brother recently asked me (albeit, jokingly) why everyone got a blog post written about them, and he didn't have one. I told him I'd write one for him, but the only thoughts I can scramble together revolve around how much I love him and his ridiculous company.

Wuv you, baby bro! Now let's find some 24/7 pizza delivery, please.


Thanks for reading! xx